
Friday, November 7, 2014

One Layer Cards

Day 4 of the Holiday Card Workshop was all about ONE LAYER CARDS.
The instructors showed us different styles and techniques.
They are so talented.

Here is my ATTEMPT at a one layer card.
A for Effort, but not a fan of this creation.
However, since I'm in this workshop to LEARN,
I did want to show that I TRIED.

Here's my thoughts:

I think the outside is extremely boring.

But I LOVE the distress ink shading on the inside.

Still learning to color with Spectrum Noir markers,
and so glad the instructor pointed out using a white pen to cover up overlaps.
(She must have been thinking of me.)

I created the frame with holly and berries by combining a 
Silhouette cut ID# 51318
and creating a card size in the Silhouette software.
I don't have any metal dies I could have combined and used as the instructor did.

So....... not a complete failure,
just not really my style.

Thanks for stopping by!
:) Janis


  1. Great work Janice and way to think "in the box"! :D

  2. I am loving this Janis! Sometimes even if we are "great" with something, it turns out really cool anyway. I think this looks very cool and is so fabulous. Hugs, Brenda

  3. Janis thanks for stopping by my blog and your nice comment. I struggle with having nothing on the front of my cards. I did this style and just cheated for the most part because I could not make myself happy. LOL The distress ink background is so pretty.. I want to see it all over the front. It is becoming clear why I had so much trouble in school. :D

  4. Love the shading and use of those markers :)

  5. I think it is beautiful!! I love the colors you chose for your background shading and I love the holly!! Hugs!!
