
Friday, November 7, 2014

Countdown to Christmas Magnets

Remember last year when our special needs daughter, Bonnie, saw Christmas shows in July and got excited thinking Christmas was almost here? Which prompted us to put a countdown calendar on the frig?

This year we were able to avoid that 6 month countdown.
We've been getting catalogs in the mail with Holiday decorations, toys, etc.
She loves looking at those. This has initiated getting the countdown magnets out we created last year, and putting them on the frig again.

I used Avery Magnetic Tape (Walmart). This stuff is awesome. It's on a roll like tape, sticky on one side, magnetic on the other. Works like a charm.

I did add a few things to the calendar for this year.
First I created a MONTH title and Days of the Week including a NOW magnet.
I also created a puppy with a birthday hat to signify our doggies' birthday, and a turkey to show when Thanksgiving is.

You'll notice three trees at the bottom of the calendar all decorated. This is something Bonnie did with her sister, Kati, last year to show Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. She also decorated one for Tom's birthday (which is in October), and put that one up too. I told her we didn't need that one because October was over, but she loves that decorated tree she made, and wanted it included by the Christmas trees at the end of the calendar. What's it going to hurt? Absolutely nothing. If she wants it there, then there is goes. 

Die Cuts:
Sil ID# 54676 - Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec tickets
Sil ID# 54680 - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur tickets
Sil ID# 54681 - Fri, Sat, Sun, Now tickets
Sil ID# 69437 - turkey
Sil ID# 60219 - Doggie box (just used head)
Sil ID# 39155 - Party Hat
I don't remember where the tree cut came from last year, but it's very similar to Lori Whitlock's Sil ID# 5027

Bonnie loves this calendar. It's hard to get her to only take down one tree a day. She keeps saying, "Christmas next?" She doesn't quite understand length of time, days, weeks, months, but this calendar is so fun for her! We always make a big deal every day about it and taking down a tree getting closer to Christmas.

Thanks for stopping by today.
I know I rambled a lot.
:) Janis