
Monday, November 15, 2010


Hello all my crafty friends in blogland!  WOW!  What a tremendous response to the So Many Mini Albums Blog Hop last weekend!  Wasn't it a blast!?!  I so appreciate all the comments and new followers.  Becoming a follower was not required to be eligible to win a prize, so I really appreciate it if you hit the FOLLOW button anyway.

If you would like an email when I upload a new post, you can fill in your email address in the form on the sidebar that says "GET EMAIL UPDATES".  At the most, it will send you an email once a day.  If I post more than once in a day, you will still only get ONE email.  And on days I may not post, you will not receive any email.

Now, what you really want to know.... who is the winner of the LET IT SNOW Mini Album?

The winner is GINA who said:
Gina said...

I am so enjoying this hop and getting to see peoples creations that I may have missed otherwise and your minis are so stinkin cute! I love the "beautiful" pb mini alot and the let is snow would be such an awesome prize to win!! I love homemade items so much more than store bought!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you, Gina, for your sweet comment.  Please email me at  If you have a U.S.A. mailing address, I will get your mini album out to you right away!

And thanks to all of you who left me such encouraging and sweet comments.  They make me smile!!!

Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, December 11th, for another fun-filled BLOG HOP with LOTS and LOTS of CANDY to be WON!!

The HOP will start HERE!  Here is the line-up for it:

We will have several BLOG CANDY items right here with lots more chances of even more BLOG CANDY along the way.  Sounds fun!!!  We are all so excited and working on our projects for the hop!

Have a blessed day!
:) Janis