
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Happy Tuesday morning to you!
Ready for Week 3 of the 52Q Mini Me Book?
This week's question is provided by Joyce, Sister of the Moon.  Click here to visit her blog.
52Q, Week 3
I made my page look like a bucket full of sunshine instead.  LOL
I'll put the answer on that green tag and slip it back inside my page.
My pages are made by putting adhesive (photo splits) on the top and bottom of the inside of an A2 size card. When the card is closed it leaves the side available to slip in a tag for the answer.  It could also be sealed on the bottom and side and leave the top open to slip a tag in.
I've also made these mini books using A2 size envelopes which also works out very well.  You just seal the envelope, cover it with pattern paper and cut a slight slit down one side for your "pocket".

There is a video below about this week's question.
At the end of this post, I'll leave links to all the Questions we've had so far.
Please post a link to your creation using the Blue Frog button at the bottom of this post.  You will be able to link to your project through next August which will be the end of our 52 weeks of questions.  So, at any time, others can jump in and join us, or you can catch up if you've been missing a few weeks.

Thank you all so much for all the positive emails, comments on YouTube, comments on my blog, and on Facebook about this project.  It's much more fun when I know I'm not the only one having a blast with this!

If you'd like to submit a question or questions for one of the 52 weeks, send me an email at northrose @ slowar dot com.  If I use your question, I will mention your blog / YouTube Channel / etc. and leave a link for others to go check out your site.

Thanks again for joining us in on all the fun!!
Enjoy the video, and don't forget to link your project at the bottom of this post!

