
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Try Stampin' on Tuesday Sketch 467

There is a new challenge starting today over at 
(You do not have to have any stamping on your project)

I'm excited to say I have just joined this Design Team!

My Design Team project:

Echo Park, 6x6 pad Baby Girl
Scalloped Scallop border punch
Wooden Painted Button (Amazon)
Thick Twine
Shimmer Pen added to flowers on sentiment

And the sketch...

Thanks for visiting with me today.


  1. Hi Janis this is a stunning card. I love the design. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Lovely card, Janis! I love the color scheme!

  3. Great job following the sketch. Love the color combo. Nice summery colors. So glad you have joined the challenge at the Stinkin' Inkers.

  4. Gorgeous card. Thank you for joining us at The Creative Crafters Challenge Blog. This is DT Alka

  5. Pretty card! Love the papers!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  6. Fabulous creation ! Congrats on your DT spot ! Thanks for sharing at 613 Avenue Create xx Please join us again.

  7. Janis I love how colourful this is. When I went to the challenge blog to see the sketch your card stood out from all the rest.

    Thank you very much for entering your lovely card into our challenge. Good luck with the prize draw.

    Stay healthy, happy, keep crafting and Creating Joy :)

    Mandy ♥

    DT for Through The Craft Room Door

    Made By Mandy – My personal Blog
