
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hey Chickie!

Hi, friends! Can it please get warmer soon? I'm so tired of being cold all the time.

Miss Kate Cuttables pattern papers
Circle, Scallop Circle, & banner dies
Stampin' Up cardstock & ink
Cardz TV Stamps
Foam tape to pop up image

Thanks for visiting!
Be warm today. I have a heater under my desk to warm my toes. :)


  1. Hi Janis this is a stunning card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Super cute card, I have been wanting to try this style of card. It is super cold here today to. I'm sooo sick of cold weather. Stay warm!

  3. Cute card. Love this style. Thanks for joining us at Cute Card Thursday. Hugz Andrea.x

  4. Cute card and loving the paper choices and design. The image is just too cute. Thanks for sharing over at Aud Sentiments.

  5. Adorable card! Love the cute little chick! Our weather has been a little crazy here too.
    Have a great day!

  6. A wonderful and cute card Janis, you are so good with the cutting files.
    I wouldn't mind cold, just get rid of these heavy deluges, day after day for weeks! We are having overload in the UK! :(
    Faith x

  7. Fabulous card! I love the papers and the cute chicky! Thanks for joining us and good luck with with your entry!
    Hugs, Joy
    Joyfully Stamps
    Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, Owner/Coordinator

  8. This is so delightfully lovely and fun! I hear you regarding the desire to embrace spring's warmth again. We tend to go from winter to the dog days of summer in about 3.74 seconds around these Western Canadian parts, but for those all too brief moments when spring is here, I can't get enough of it and find it hugely inspiring to my crafting, too.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  9. Such a cute spring card. Thanks for blessing us with your creation and please join us again in our current challenge. Leaving you with the encouragement that comes from Psalm 27:1 which says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Have a great week.

    JO ANN
