
Friday, December 20, 2019

2020 Reading Challenge

Hello my friends!
It's getting close to the end of the year.
What did you read in 2019?
I set a goal of  40 books to read this year.
To date I've read 57. Pretty happy with that.
Next year my goal will be a little larger.

I'm joining the Kindle Unlimited Challenge hosted by Check it out! You may want to get involved.
Don't worry about setting a lofty goal. You can always up it or downsize depending on how your year is going. The point is (well, for me anyway), is to find time to read. To lose yourself in a story. Or find yourself there. To meet new friends. Learn new things. Discover new places; and so much more.

Feel free to friend request me there too, suggest a book I may enjoy, and all of those good things Goodreads offers for us.

Have a tremendously fabulous day.
Big hugs!
:) Janis