
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

100 Days of Bible Promises - Day 1

(See all 100 Days of Bible Promises HERE - work in progress)

Bible Journaling has had my interest for a couple of years. Still not really doing it. I've done some art pages in a spiral notebook, but nothing in my Bible.  Recently I ordered the 100 Days of Bible Promises because I've seen so many of you talented ladies creating beautiful pages with this book. This seemed like a good thing for me to try.

Don't laugh.  I'm new at this and not an artist... at all... but it was fun just the same.

I wrote out the chorus from Matthew West's "Grace Wins" song. Love this song. It went perfectly with the theme for Day 1.

Illustrated Faith die cuts were scattered on the 2 pages. :)  Bought some gold foil looking alphabet stickers to spell out GRACE vertically, and then by each letter wrote, "God's Riches At Christ's Expense."

The cartoon woman is hand drawn with pencil, then went over with a MicroWriter pen, and colored with crayons. I have found that after using colored pencils, pens, chalk, Spectrum Noir markers (as well as many other brands), crayons, etc... I like crayons the best. Sounds childish, but that's my preference.

Thanks for visiting with me today! Are you using this book too? I'd love to see your photos of your creative pages. Throw a link to them in the comments. Hugs!


  1. What a wonderful start to a 100 day journey! Love your embellishments and who says that crayons are childish? You do what you like and makes you happy and I think you did a wonderful job. Looking forward to Day 2! Loads of hugs, my friend!

  2. Oh wow Janis this is amazing. I have wondered about bible journaling. It is so good to see what you have done. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. I think Youndid an awesome job with it!
    Have a great day!

  4. Your 100 day bible journaling is so cute. I love what you've created. I do bible journaling but in a bible that is just for journaling. I have others that I don't do art in. I do have a bible that has pages already with pictures / scripture you can color in or other pages you can create with larger margins. It's learning and making it your art. I love what you've done and it's from the heart. Hugs my friend.

  5. Very nice. I guess I should have checked out day 1 before asking my questions on day 2. I see you ordered this and guessing that is how the words were typed out now. :) You have done a great job. Will be watching out for new posts from you.

    Smiles Sher

  6. I'm bible journaling too. Currently the Inspire advent 24 days. This looks lovely, I'm looking forward to seeing more bible journaling posts

    Hugs Grietje
