
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

No Craft Project for Today

Hi, friends!

I'm having craft withdrawals.

All of my crafty goodness is packed.

We leave Friday for South Carolina!

Feels weird to not have a craft something to share with you.


Looking forward to being in the truck for 7 days to get to South Carolina.

(Ask me again after 3 days if I still feel the same way. LOL)

I have lots of busy things in a couple of bags to entertain me. Coloring books (adult and children kind); Bible Study & Bible; Empty spiral notebook ready to be filled with thoughts, ideas, prayers, things we see, etc; yarn and a couple of new crochet books - that's going to be fun. On every trip we've driven between South Carolina and Alaska going one way or the other (this is trip #6 as a family) I've always crocheted something on the way. I'm not very advanced with crochet, so usually its a simple blanket pattern or flower squares. But it's fun to see the project grow in size the more time I spend working on it.

Bonnie has her DVD player which we will also have her XBox hooked up to. She should be in hog heaven. Plus the doggies will be in the backseat with her keeping her company... unless I switch with her to lay down and take a nap with the doggies. :)

We are so excited. Can't wait to get home.  I haven't seen my Mama in what.... 3 years? Can't wait to go spend some time with her hearing her stories and give her a hug. I think Bonnie & I need to pick her up from the nursing home and take her out to eat. She loves doing that. Her favorite places to go are Rush's for a chicken sandwich, Chic-fil-a (chick no pick), and Grecian Gardens.

Of course, Tom will be busy driving. That man loves long driving trips. I don't get it. If I'm driving for more than 45 minutes I get lulled to sleep by the rhythm of the road. Not Tom. He thrives on it. That's when he always gets a lot of good ideas for our next adventures, remodel plans, vacation destination, etc. So glad he likes to drive so much.

I was packing my clothes in the suitcase, and realized something. I own 7 short sleeve shirts. 7! That's horrible! I'm moving to the humid heat of the south! Most of my clothes are long sleeves or sweaters. Sounds like somebody needs to do some shopping when she gets back home. I hate shopping. Wait. Let me clarify that. I hate shopping for clothes. Now get me out shopping for kitchen appliances or grills or crafty goodness or LEGOS... I LOVE some Lego buildings... I'm all over that. But clothes shopping I loathe. I'll tell you a little secret about me. When I find a shirt I like and it fits well, I buy one of every color. That's how much I hate shopping. Just give me something to wear. I don't care if it looks just like the shirt I wore yesterday. It's a different color at least. LOL

I think I've bored you enough for one day. Thanks for visiting with me. Love you guys!


  1. Good luck Janis. Have a safe journey. Love Dawn x

  2. Hope your craftiness comes back when you get back home. Love visiting your blog to see what you have created. Have a safe trip back to South Carolina.
    Have a great day!

  3. Safe travels to you and your family. We will be almost neighbors, I live in Lawrenceville, GA just 30 miles outside of Atlanta.

  4. I hope you have a safe trip, Janice!! And I wish I could do your clothes shopping for you - it's one of my favorite things to do ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Safe travels my friend! I too hate clothes shopping.... but.. since I lost a ton of weight... it's starting to grow on me... LOL Every time I walk into a store even Wally world I have to go look at the clothes - Never felt that way before.... :)


    1. That's exactly what I struggle with. Being overweight it's hard to find a shirt that fits but isn't too big and loose. I'm doing weight watchers again. Started back last month. I've lost 10 pounds so far. Not a lot, but it's a big deal to me! My pants are saggy and too big. I keep trying on my "skinny jeans." The good news is, I can put them on. The bad news is it isn't pleasant to look at. LOL Still too tight. But I'm getting there.

  6. Prayers for safe travels, my friend. I'm so happy for you! I know you've been looking forward to this move for a while. It's going to be so awesome to be close to your family again, and Bonnie is going to love it too. How about hubby? How does he feel?
