
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Join me at Weight Watchers HERE

LOL  Okay, that's not how to get this weight off!

Welcome back to Weight Watchers Wednesday!

Weight Loss Update

203.4 Start
179.5 Saturday, July 2
-0.4 Yay! I'll take any loss great or small!
-23.9 Total Loss

It was a good week as far as Weight Watchers goes. I found when I eat the WW snacks and frozen meals that I do better on those days. When I snack from something in the pantry, I get hungry more often.  Bottom line, I had a loss this week, and I'm happy with that.

How did you do last week?
See you next Wednesday!

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  1. HI Janis - I started a new job and I am doing WW on my own - I joined WW but because of my crazy hours I could not get to the meetings consistently - so I have the program and recording my food in take daily!!!! - I lost 4 1/2 last week - My weigh in day is Monday [at home] at this time in my life. I have 15 more pounds to go to get to my WW goal but believe me it is a struggle!! [I might try to lose more but right now the goal weigh WW has for me is good] Your small typo in your message got me scared for a minute - [Snakes instead of Snacks] - but I got it after reading the entire message - I am enjoying my FRUIT every single day! Watermelon - Pineapple - Apples - grapes - YUM! I wish you the best on this journey - A huge congratulations on your weight loss - one pound is the same as one pound of butter sticks off the body! Happy Dance! Have a blessed day!

  2. I also wanted to mention - I love the exercise route! got me laughing!
