
Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Packaging

Hi, everyone! Oh my gosh, it's less than a week until Christmas! Yay! I've been making some Christmas Packaging - boxes & tags. Simple, simple (they are just going to get ripped open and thrown away. LOL)

These packages are from the Silhouette Store # 41611.

These tags are also from the Silhouette Store # 36433.

Scrappy Moms Stamps - Christmas Cheer and also the Merry & Bright set.

I'll add some ribbon to the tags when it's time to adhere to the package.

Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Ch (Saturdays)
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Ch Extra (Monthly)

Thanks for stopping by today.  See you tomorrow!!

Hey, before you go, don't forget to come link up the projects you are working on over at my linky party blog, PDE Linky Party, and see what our Design Team has been crafting lately.