
Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm the OTHER Chick at 2 Creative Chicks!

Hey, guys, guess what?! I'm now a part of the 2 Creative Chicks Design Team! Can you believe it? I'm super excited! I've joined Nana over there, so I guess now you can say, "I'm the OTHER chick." LOL

Every month there is a new link up and it's ALWAYS ANYTHING GOES!

Showcase rules:
~Only NEW creations.~

~You Must be a follower of 2 Creative Chicks~

~Post a direct link to your new creation (not just to your blog or Inlinkz will not accept your entry)~

~Post a link within your post linking back to our site inviting others to play along. All entries that do not ink back will be deleted~

~You may enter UNLIMITED projects as long as they are all new projects.~

~You may combine your project with as many other challenges as you'd like!~

~No profanity or adult content - this isn't the place for it, we don't want anyone offended, and it will not be accepted.~

If you find your entry has been removed, please check to make sure you have followed all the rules prior to contacting us.

Go link up your projects!
Thanks for stopping by today.  See you tomorrow!!


  1. I'm so thrilled to have you as the other chick. I know our followers if they do not already know and love you they will. Can't wait too see your awesome creations on 2CC blog.
    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥
    ♥ Paper & Stitches ♥

  2. Congratulations Janis! They always say "the 3rd time is the charm". I'm sure you will be the perfect fit for 2 Creative Chicks. Nana is lucky to have you.

  3. How totally awesome Janis!!!! Congratulations!!!! :)
