
Thursday, October 15, 2015


Hi, everyone! Seems like I have been later and later getting my crafty posts up each day if I don't drop the ball completely and skip a day from posting. I'm so sorry for that. I have no excuse. I can't seem to get my act together. Thank you for visiting me each day.

Today I have another super simple project to show you. It's a cut file from the Silhouette store.

The lime green tissue paper is left over from a stack I got from the Dollar Tree. One of our daughters and my husband both celebrated birthdays in the past couple of weeks. So I've been through a lot of tissue paper! The sparkly orange see-through ribbon is also from the Dollar Tree.  I adhered the ghost and the BOO with foam tape - 2 layers to make it really pop up. I love simple crafts like this. Lately I need a lot of simple. Simple is good.


Mark your calendars for the blog hop I'm in this Saturday. There are just 6 of us (including me) on the hop. Lots of Autumn / Halloween projects, and lots of blog candy on our blogs to give away. You must be a follower of our blogs and comment on each one for a chance to win one of our prizes.

I'm also in a Christmas Blog Hop in Nov.
Think Christmas Blog Hop, Sat, Nov 7th
Just 8 stops and Blog Candy plus a Grand Prize!
If we have 200 people join us for the hop, Follow each blog, and leave a comment on each blog,
Someone is going to win a Silhouette Cameo from Santa!
Here is the Facebook Event for more info
Make sure you click on GOING and INVITE all your friends!
Remember, we need 200 hoppers and commenters for Santa to give away the Cameo.
Want to win an EXTRA prize?
Visit Nana @ My Crafting Channel for more info!!!
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love this box!!! So many possibilities and your checked paper is perfect!!!

    Hugs, Melissa

  2. What a fun little boo box ... so very glad you joined us at Fusion Card Challenge.

  3. This is so darn adorable, Janis!! I love the little ghost!! It's fabulous!! I love your Halloween blog, too!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Too darn cute. Love the papers, added ribbon and of course the adorable ghost.
    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥
    ♥ Paper & Stitches ♥

  5. So fab - great black and white with a touch of colour :-)

  6. Janis this is the cutest little Halloween treat box ever!

  7. Thanks for sharing with us at October Silhouette Challenge!

    Oh dang, this is another box I did not have time to make...this is just so cute!!!

    ♥ Sue Kment
