
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Guess what?! I finally reached 30 pounds gone forever! //throws confettii//
-0.8 last weekly weigh-in
-30.0 since January
So happy!!

How are you doing? I hope you are having a great week. Have you found a certain food that works great for you for a snack?  I'm still eating a lot of fruit for snacks, but needed to change up my routine a little bit, so over the weekend when I got groceries, I bought some Yoplait Low-Cal yogurt. It's really good, and I love that they even have printed on the box "Weight Watchers 2 points." I wish more foods would do that. I scanned the barcode to confirm it really is 2 points, and it is. Just double checking.

Looks like we are moving... again.  We've only been at the lake house a couple of months, but it is just not working out here with certain things. So we are going back to our house in North. We've already started working on the remodeling of the Master Bath there, and have plans of adding on early next year. I'm happy to go back. The lake house has been a blast, but as far as daily living, it's got some issues we just don't think is worth the money to be here.  The good news is, I'll be burning a lot of calories packing and moving boxes around. :)

What is your latest Non-Scale Victory (NSV)? Tell me about it in the comments. Mine for this week is the skirts I bought back in May (X-Large) are now too big. Oh darn. I'll have to go buy some new clothes. LOL  I bought a summer red & white dress last week and tried it on for Tom. He really liked it. I haven't worn it out yet. I need to do that.  It will be the first time I've worn a short dress (one that doesn't go to my feet) since Keri's wedding last August. I need to have another BEFORE and CURRENT photo taken. I told Tom yesterday I wanted to use that dress for that.

Have you been thinking about joining Weight Watchers or making another similar change in your life? Listen, it's your decision, no one else's. Only you can control how you live. Don't let others bully you or make you feel less in any way. You are important. You matter. Weight Loss is a mental battle (for me) more than a physical one. I struggle every single day with it. But I also keep a positive attitude. I don't beat myself up if I indulge a little.

One of the reasons Weight Watchers works for well for me is because they know we need to treat ourselves to our favorite foods, and they have worked that into the plan. Based on your weight, height, age, gender, etc they configure what your daily points should be. Those points re-set every single day. A new day - a new set of daily points.

In addition to your daily points, Weight Watchers also gives you a weekly point allowance. You can use these or not. They reset every single week. Sometimes I use these points, sometimes I don't. On days I have headaches (which thankfully are not as frequent as they used to be), I tend to eat more in an effort to comfort my body. I know that doesn't make sense, but it's how my brain works. Sometimes I don't use any of the weekly points. Those points are there for you to decide to use or not to use. Want that extra serving of your favorite food? Use your weekly allowance. Use it for a desserts or a beer or whatever. Use it for that craving you are trying to ignore. I don't know if this happens to you, but sometimes if I want a Hershey chocolate bar and then I'll eat fruit, then yogurt, then something else, then something else, then finally give in to the chocolate bar. I could have avoided all those other points, if I had just satisfied my craving with the chocolate to begin with rather than trying to eat around it. Sounds crazy, but just telling you from past experience for me personally. These days, if I want a Hershey chocolate bar (which I keep in the kitchen drawer with all the other chocolate M&M's, Trail Mix, etc - believe me - my kids know where that drawer is and head for it when they come over to visit.) I eat a Hershey chocolate bar without any shame, regrets, or guilt because I pull those points from my weekly allowance which are mine to use how I want, when I want, and if I want.

Weight Watchers also lets you gain points with exercise. Again, obviously you will lose more and faster if you don't use these points, but they are there for you if you want them.

I love the freedom I have with Weight Watchers. It works. If you measure your food, count your points accurately, write everything down, drink your water, do all the things the program has designed to help you lose weight - you will lose weight. And it feels good to have those little successes every week on the scale. Every portion of a pound adds up week after week. I've added my little portions up to 30 pounds lost. It's not as much as others on the plan, but that doesn't matter at all. Because their loss or gain has no bearing on my loss or gain each week. This is one situation where you truly can say, my weigh in day is "all about me."

Thank you for spending some time here with me today. I know this was a long post. I appreciate all of your comments, and your weekly visits. Thank you so much for encouraging me. See you next Wednesday! Don't forget to leave me some comments with your NSVs this past week. Smiles!
:) Janis
If you'd like to join me in Weight Watchers, please use this link.