
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Been There; Done That - Project Life Srapbook Page

Before I get to my project to show you today, I want you all to know that PDE Linky Party is coming back! For all of you who were sad that it was taking a break, get your creative juices flowing, because we are coming back starting this FRIDAY (June 26) with an ANYTHING GOES link up with a new link up every single Friday. Be sure to visit PDE Linky Party for the announcement and DT CALL going on now.

Now, onto my project for today.......
I thought it would be really fun to create a scrapbook page (Project Life style) with a 'BEEN THERE; DONE THAT' theme.

So far we've moved 21 times in nearing 29 years of marriage this August. WOW! We love change. Love an adventure. Love going places we've only heard about and checking it out for ourselves. It's a standing joke with our family and friends that we must be in the Witness Protection Program. LOL Sometimes people ask if we are in the military. Nope. Just love a good adventure.

When Tom & I built our first house in 1988 (the second year of our marriage, and the year our first baby was due), I remember telling Tom I was excited about building our own house, but a little sad to think we'd never move again ever and go to all those places we'd love to see. Tom told me that we would still travel, move, and go wherever we wanted to go. He has kept his word! We've lived in Alaska (twice!), Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas. These are just the places we've LIVED. Doesn't even include the places we've visited, vacationed, etc. I can't tell you how many states we've driven through, but it's been a LOT! One place we haven't been to yet that I would LOVE to visit is Maine. For some reason I really want to go on a Lighthouse tour there. I bet it's beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by!
:) Janis


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog this morning. My husband and I are going thru a "do we move and uproot the family" phase right now. He has a potential incredible job offer (maybe more than one) coming his way. We just need to look at it as an adventure, instead of dreading the worst (actually moving). Thanks for the boost. I know you weren't actually speaking to "me", but I was listening anyway. :)

  2. Such a wonderful story! I really like your PL layout as well. <3kim

  3. Wonderful story and awesome PL Layouts! Have a Crafty Day! :)

    Scrappers Anonymous

  4. Wow Janis, that is a lot of moving. lol I hate moving, hate it with a passion. I like roots....but I would love to travel some. Not outside the US, but would love to go to each state in the US, well I'm not sure about Hawaii. lol Your life sounds fun and exciting that is for sure and I am a little envious of it, but then I think of how much I hate moving and I get over it. lol You and Tom have an amazing life my friend, sit back and enjoy it. Love the layout too, great pictures on there! Hugs, Brenda
