
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Scrapbook Pages from Week 19

I had a LOT of photos and scrapbook pages for Week 19, but I'm just going to show you two of them today.

  • Cricut Design Space using Indie Days Font for "Week 19" cut
  • Filler cards and background papers all from my Mother's Day bag of Project Life goodies from Kati
  • First two photos on the top row are from that Friday night. We stayed out until 4am on the dock. Wayne and Gene were smoking the pork for the graduation party the next day. There were 10 of us all hanging out laughing and telling stories and some of the men were also getting some fishing in. It was a GREAT night! I can't believe we all stayed up that long. Wayne & Gene didn't go to bed until after 8am. And I'm not sure Wayne actually ever went to bed. I think he tried to cat nap a little, but nothing more than that.
  • Bonnie on the second row is giving the thumbs up at the doctor's office.
  • Bottom row shows the babies enjoying Bonnie's bed. So spoiled. LOL  And the flowers are from Wayne's parents to us girls (Kati, Bonnie, & I). Keri also gave me some flowers too. (It was Mother's Day weekend as well as graduation weekend.)

I have 3 pages of graduation photos. Here's one of them. So proud of Kati. The outfit laid out is what I wore that day. I had some fun shopping for new clothes. It was very nice to be able to buy a smaller size. (Yay Weight Watchers!)  Love Kati's thumbs up photo!

Thanks for stopping by today! See you tomorrow.
:) Janis