
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Good morning! Welcome back to Weight Watchers Wednesday. How is it going with you? Are you using Weight Watchers? Just thinking about it? Want more information? You can get more info HERE.

Turn your CAN'T into a CAN. If I can do it, anybody can.

  • I'm a chocoholic. 
  • Love my Cokes. 
  • Have the mindset that if I have a headache, I think if I just eat something it will go away. Don't ask me where that thought process came from. It's just there.
  • Love eating out with the family on the weekends whether it's Hibachi, Fast Food, Food Court at the Mall, Grilling Out, or sit down dinner at a restaurant.
  • I fix all the drinks and food for our special needs child. It's so easy to grab me something while I'm in the kitchen. Not a good habit, and one I'm beginning to Master with discipline.
BUT it doesn't matter how successful or UNsuccessful I am. Because whatever I do has no bearing on what you do. The point is, if you want change, then you have to CHANGE something. Baby steps. Little things. No one is asking you to fast or deny yourself nutrition your body needs to function properly. I'm just saying find a program that works for you and stick to it. I'm here cheering for you!

Monday Weigh-In Results:
203.4 Start
189.4 Today
-1.8 for the week
-14.0 since start

I'm in the 180's! Woo-Hoo!  //throws confetti//

Same time, same place next week for another Weight Watchers Wednesday. 
But feel free to visit me every day to see more projects, more chatting, and find out what we are up to these days.

:) Janis