
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Project Life Layouts from Week 11 (last week)

Hi, everyone! I just finished my scrapbook pages for last week and can't wait to show them to you! If you like to scrapbook too, remember you can enter your layouts over at Bimini Moose!

Not a lot happened in our world last week........... EXCEPT......... we signed the paperwork for our new house on Wednesday! Woo-Hoo! So thankful, happy, and excited.

I hope you enjoy seeing my photo pages this time as much as I enjoyed printing out the pictures and arranging them in the Project Life pockets.  So many flowers budding or blooming. I love it!

Top Row:

  • Digital PL File from Project 52 Title Cards
  • Date stamp for dates of that week (Monday - Sunday)
  • Saturday Truck load to lake house - rainy rainy rainy - we ended up doing a lot of errands on the way like going to Lowes and choosing / buying paint colors for the main living area on the first floor (kitchen, dining, breakfast nook, living room, etc). I love the colors we picked out!
  • Sunday's truck load was much heavier - all the wood and supplies to get the dog fence started, plus other items
  • Last picture - me holding the ladder steady while Tom sees how far up he can reach for painting those tall ceilings. You won't catch me up there. No way. No how. Uh-uh.

Middle Row:

  • Keri, Kevin, Kati & Wayne came over Saturday. It's always fun to have the girls & families spend some time with us.
  • Kati & Wayne turkey hunting. They didn't get one. They never even saw one. :(
  • Tom, Bill, & Tim all working on the posts for the new fence. They got all the posts up which was not an easy task. Roots and rocks seemed to enjoy getting in their way. Next weekend - time to start building the walls of the fence.

Bottom Row:

  • Title card printed from Project Life Digital File "Playful."
  • Title card "TODAY" from PL Plus One Kit.
  • First picture of our babies they are helping me pick out paint colors. They love laying on top of each other like they are bunk beds. Next one is them soaking up the sun on the deck. Last one is of my sister-in-law, Connie, with her grandkids - Cooper is in her lap, and Kaleb is sitting beside her. Kaleb ended up falling off the deck. Good thing he can swim, but what a shocker of the cold lake water! Poor guy. (He's 6). 

Everything is budding or blooming! I LOVE IT!

Overview of flower page:

  • Our Pear Tree in the backyard in North. The doggies love eating pears that fall on the ground, but I don't guess we will be here for that this year.
  • The 2 daffodil photos and the one on the bottom row below it are my attempt at a photo mosaic which is the Bimini Moose Optional Twist for this challenge.
  • Heart card from PL Plus One kit.
  • Froggie in birdbath
  • Cardz TV Stamps "Think Spring" set used for sentiment
  • XOXO card from PL Plus One kit

More Signs of Spring!

Top Row:

  • Camilla bush at lake house
  • Filler flower card printed from digital file PL "Playful"
Middle Row:
  • Star card from PL Plus One kit
  • Rose Bush buds & Azalea Bush Buds at house in North
  • House filler card from PL Plus One kit
  • Daffodils at lake house
Bottom Row:
  • Dogwood Tree flowers at lake house. These flower petals are gorgeous with just a hint of pink on the tips.
  • Some kind of Red flower tree at the North house. I have no idea what it is, but it's pretty.
  • More flowers at the North house. I don't know the names of these either, but they look very delicate and shy.
Thanks for visiting me today! I know this was a long post, but I couldn't wait to show you all the SPRING popping out all over the place. I love flowers!

See you tomorrow for Weight Watchers Wednesday's post.
:) Janis


  1. absolutely LOVE your pages and fun photos!!!

  2. Beautiful photos! I can't wait until we see some signs of Spring here!! Love your layouts :) hugs
