
Monday, March 2, 2015

Countdown Calendar

Welcome to a brand new week! What are your plans these days? We spent our weekend relaxing and packing. Of course, the papers are still not back from the lawyer for us to sign on the new house, but we are packing anyway expecting no surprises in the paperwork. We aren't moving for a couple of months. This will give the new house time to get some work done before we move in. So I'm just packing things I know we aren't going to use between now and then - like Christmas dishes, etc. It's fun, and I hate waiting to the last minute to do things. I'm more of a "do it early" kind of girl.

If you follow my blog, you know we love frig magnets and especially frig countdown magnets. Yesterday I cut out lots of goldfish for a countdown calendar on the frig.

Weekdays Sil ID# 55187
Goldfish Sil ID# 43076
Months Sil ID# 72901

I wrote little "M's" on all the Monday fish to help me keep it straight if Bonnie starts rearranging the fishes. I put a little B on the April 11th fish - Bonnie's birthday. Bonnie loves pulling off the daily magnet getting closer to something we are looking forward to.

Enjoy your day! I'll be back tomorrow with a scrapbook page to show you and on Wednesday with my Weight Watchers post. See you then!

:) Janis