
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Project Life Week 5 Page Layouts

Hi! Today a brand new challenge starts at 
The theme is
Anything Goes Project Life Pocket Scrapbooking!

Here is my Week 5 Double Layout:

We had Kevin's 5th Birthday Party at our house on Sunday.
He and Kati had tons of fun being Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles. LOL

Got all the pics for the Photo a Day prompt printed up.
They run through the middle row on both pages.

Kevin's birthday party photos run through the bottom row on both pages.

Thanks for stopping by!
:) Janis

1 comment:

  1. I really love this layout Janis, your layouts are always so fun and colorful. Mine are quick and easy. lol Well nothing is quick for me, but a lot quicker than doing a traditional layout! Hugs, Brenda
