
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You Warm My Heart

Hi, everyone!
I hope you are having a very good week so far.
Please scroll down if you want to skip all my chatter and just see my project. 
It's busy around here, but also lots of excitement.

Bonnie (our special needs child) has been removing a 
tree from the frig countdown calendar every day
looking forward to Christmas.

Ginger's leg is healing. Very thankful for that.

Mary Ann (Ginger's sister) is enjoying this cold weather
and running around the backyard for what we like to call
"sky patrol." That means she's running around, looking up
at NOTHING in the sky and barking, barking, barking.
I think she sees things we don't.
Tom thinks she's a little woo-woo in the head.

Tom (my hubby) has been busy with construction
at our house and trying to work full time too.
He's decided to take off next week.
It's been years since he's taken a whole week off of work.
Besides building and installing into our kitchen:
30 doors, 15 drawers... 
that makes 45 panels (2 with lexan) and 15 drawer boxes -  
All that is built from 285 individually cut pieces of wood...
He also is hoping to get the new floor put down in the
kitchen, hall, and den before Thanksgiving.
Yes. He's a busy man.

Me? I went to visit Mama and Daddy yesterday.
They live about 45 minutes away.
I was pulling up at the same time a firetruck was backing into their driveway.
Daddy had fallen and Mama doesn't have the strength to get him up.
It's a lot more to it than that, but we don't need to share all our business, right?
We went through her wedding china and her mother's and packed some of it up
to come live at my house. My sister will enjoy the other half.

On to a card for this morning.......................
(I know, you're thinking, "About time!" Right?)

You have seen lots of cards, tags, and even some envelopes using the Simon Says Stamp Nov 2014 Card Kit on my blog these past couple of weeks. I'm thrilled with this kit.
Today I made the last of the 6 card ideas they included in the kit.
This card is designed by Heather Ruwe.
I have put if off until last because, honestly, I wasn't sure if I had the metal dies to create the window like she did. But thankfully, I worked it out. I had some dies that worked together nicely. I used a lace border instead of a scallop border like Heather did, but I am tickled with how my card came out.

Not sure if you can see the dimension, but the entire top of this card is
adhered with foam squares to the base of the card.
That gives the window depth that I love.
The red heart and striped paper are in the background.
The teal snowy paper, bunnies in heart, and sentiment strip
are all in the foreground. 
It's a pretty cool design.

Same card - just one pic taken with my phone and for some reason
the colors appear different. Can you see the depth in the pic above?

All of the papers and embellishment are from the kit.
The red heart and bunny heart were die cut using
Emma's My Creative Time Stitched Heart metal dies.
The snow background stamp was inked with CTMH Lagoon which matches this 
SSS teal paper perfectly.

I actually forgot to stamp the background until my card was complete.
So I took a picture without the snow background just in case I ruined my
card trying to stamp on something adhered with foam squares.
(Which is never a good idea, by the way.)
But it worked out.

Thanks for stopping by and sitting for a while chatting with me.
Sometimes we just need to spill what's on our mind.
Big hugs to you!
I'll probably be back later today with another project, so you can 
either check back or sign up for email notifications in the right sidebar
so you'll never miss a post. I do tend to post more than once a day occasionally.

But right now I've got laundry to do, some organizing in Bonnie's room, and other stuff like that.
See you next time!

Christmas Card Chs - color ch - see below


  1. I, for one, like listening to what is going on in your life. I have enjoyed seeing some of the pictures of your renovations. Lots of work that Tom has put into it. I pray that your Dad is alright and things are good with both of your parents. Oh, and yea, cute card. Hee hee!!! Love you, my friend.

    1. Love you, Heather! Your comment made me smile from ear to ear. Hugs!

  2. Oh my gosh Janis!!! I am praying that your Dad is going to be okay!!!! Bless his heart! They are so sweet!!
    Guess I need to plan another vacation up your way to check out all of the creating that Tom is doing! I know he is doing some awesomeness for sure!!!!
    Your four legged babies are darling and I'm glad that Ginger's leg is doing better. Love seeing those faces.
    Bonnie is such a darling young lady. I'm sure when her tree pulling gets down to just a few, you will be super excited!!! :)

  3. Cute card!! Hope your dad is doing better

  4. Sounds like a lot is going on in your neck of the woods! Glad Bonnie is having fun pulling down the trees in counting down for Christmas. I hope your dad was ok from his fall and I hope your hubby is able to get done what he wants by Thanksgiving. He sure is a busy man!! Glad that the dog's leg is healing and yea, we got one that runs out and barks at nothing too. lol She thinks she is chasing away any critters that are out there in the fields. I love how your card turned out too Janis, it looks fabulous! Hugs, Brenda

  5. Such a pretty card! Thanks for joining us this wee at Christmas Card Challenges this week.

  6. Great card, Janis! Thanks for joining us at Christmas Card Challenges.
