
Friday, August 29, 2014

Marathon Post #9 - Dog & Cat Tags using Sketch Pens in Cameo

Are you ready for a crafting marathon? I'll be posting projects throughout the day, so be sure to check my blog often and scroll down to see all the fun going on in my craft room!!

Post #9

Silhouette Sketch Pens = FUN
It's fun to watch it drawing the images. We have 2 Pitbulls named Mary Ann and Ginger. (Gilligan's Island may have had something to do with that choice. LOL) They are our sweet babies. When I saw the doggie sketch file, I knew I wanted to make it, even though the sketch is not a Pitbull, he's still a cutie. Since our babies are girls, I had to put a pink lacy ribbon on this tag. (When I was growing up, I thought all dogs were boys and all cats were girls. hahaha)

Click to enlarge
For the cat lovers out there, didn't want to leave you out. Plus I love kitties too. I used colored this kitty in with purple. Hey - it could happen. There may be a purple kittie out there some where in the real world.
  • Silhouette ID# 43062 (set of 4 different style tags)
  • Silhouette ID# 45970 (Dog using Sketch Pen)
  • Silhouette ID# 45974 (Cat using Sketch Pen)
  • Cardz TV Stamps - Barks & Bones
  • Cardz TV Stamps - Here Kitty
  • Chalking - background & image
Click to enlarge
Feeling sketchy....
:) Janis