
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Action Wobble News!

Who likes Action Wobble fun?
This Friday, July 13th, is the launch of the Action Wobble site!

This is a place where you may be featured if we CATCH YOU WOBBLING!

We will be having some FUN Action Wobble Challenges too! All sorts of fun things will be going on!

I'm proud to say I am a part of the initial Design Team! Woo-Hoo! Want to meet my DT sisters?

Visit their blogs, follow them, and leave them some comment love. We all love new followers and comment love!

Don't forget... the LAUNCH party is this Friday! Be sure to stop by and see us because we have PRIZES to give away!!! Woo-Hoo! Where's my party hat?

:) Janis


  1. Congratulations! Where is Bon Bon's party hat? I see yours! I bet her hat is purple! See ya Friday!

  2. Congrats Janis.. I love action wobbles. I bought them the first day they were made available to the public. I will be watching out on Friday.


  3. love the wobbles and can't wait for Friday!
