
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Blog Hop!

Welcome to a surprise Birthday Blog Hop for Caleb, my Design Team buddy over at The Scrapbooking Queen's Castle. You can visit Caleb on his blog, and wish him a Happy Birthday if you want. I know he'd love that. His blog is KIDS FOR CARDS.

So today some of his Design Team sisters are doing a little blog hop to surprise him for his birthday. Today, Caleb, it's all about YOU! Happy Birthday! I hope you have lots of laughs, surprises, birthday cake, ice cream and all the fun stuff you want to do. Hugs!!

If you arrived here from Michele - Magical Creative Inspiration, then you're right on track! If not, start at the beginning with Theresa - The Scrapbooking Queen.

I have some BLOG CANDY up for grabs! But first, here is the birthday card I made for Caleb:

Project # 199 of this year
I originally posted this card on May 2nd for a couple of challenges knowing I'd mail this to Caleb closer to his birthday. Here are all the details and a video of the ACTION WOBBLE in action! Oh my funness!!

  • Tall Card 9" x 8" and scored @ 4" (this will fit into a #10 Business Envelope)
  • Background paper cut @ 3 3/4" x 8 3/4" (from Colorbox - Walmart)
  • Buttons from Michael's
  • CREATE A CRITTER Sun p. 52 cut @ 1 1/2" with shadow feature
  • B IS FOR BOY (Lite) Boy cut @ 3 1/2"
    • Grasses cut @ 2" and 1 1/2" p. 77 and trimmed to length
    • Clouds cut @ 2" and 1 1/2" p. 77
    • Fishing Pole cut @ 4 1/4"
  • Peachy Keen Stamps PK-531 Simple Sallies Assortment
  • Boy adhered with Action Wobble from TSQ's Royal Castle Shoppe
  • Journal punch from Fiskar's
  • Sentiment stamp from Mary's CARDZ TV STAMPS "It's A Guy Thing"
  •  Rhinestones on Boy's shirt are from Recollections

BLOG CANDY! I will be giving away a pack of 4 ACTION WOBBLES to one of my stalkers FOLLOWERS who leaves me a comment below and lets me know they went to Caleb's blog and left him some comment love too wishing him a Happy Birthday! His blog is KIDS FOR CARDS.  I will post the winner on Tuesday, May 22nd.

Your next stop is Jillian - Paper a La Mode!

Thanks for hopping along with us today! :) Janis


  1. A terrific card for a young man. I have been to Caleb's site and wished him HB-day.

  2. Such a adorable card love the action wobble

  3. Very sweet card, I follow Caleb's YT channel and he will be so surprised at this bday hop

  4. A great card for a great fellow DT member! Caleb is THE MAN!

  5. I bet he loved this card. It fab Janis. :)

  6. Great card!!

    mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

  7. Janis-
    Love the card. the little fishing man is so cute. I am addicted to Action Wobbles now!
    {love love}
    Scrappin Madge

  8. Love your card! I gotta get me some wobbles!! I left a comment for Caleb...follower # 54!

  9. Have a terrific day Caleb, your card is so cute!

  10. Very cute!!!

    DT sis~
    The Squeaky Scrapper

  11. Oh my gosh, this is so adorable!! I love the little fisherguy!! He is so sweet!! And you have the best videos ever, Janis!! I just laugh when they start to shimmy and shake!! What an awesome card my friend!! I am proud to be a follower ;)

    Hugs, Lisa
    A Mermaid's Crafts
