
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jimmy!

Happy Birthday, Jimmy! We are so proud of you and love you very much!

24 Years ago today, we welcomed our first baby, first son to our family, James Thomas. I was in labor for 19 hours with all natural childbirth, but it was worth it. Jimmy was born blue and floppy with the cord wrapped around his neck twice. They immediately took him before I got to see him, but of course they needed to do that. Tom stayed with him during everything since I was sort of stuck in the bed. I got released from the hospital before Jimmy did, but everything turned out all right.

From a very early age, Jimmy has been in love with motorcycles. He began riding a bicycle around the age of 2 years old, and a motorcycle not long after that. Now at 24, can you believe, he still has a passion for bike riding? (That's his sister, Keri, in the background watching him ride the bike.)

The summer after finishing his Junior year in High School, Jimmy enlisted in the Army. He was able to do what he needed to do that summer, still attend high school for his Senior year, then shipped off the day he graduated.  He's been to war overseas twice.

Here is Jimmy sitting on one of his motorcycles while he was visiting us in North, SC. Love that jacket he has on.

Jimmy married Nhi (who we love) and they immediately began their family. (Our 2nd grandson, Wyatt.)  

Proud Papa Jimmy with son Wyatt.

Yes, Jimmy is amazing on any type of motorcycle. It's a talent he has.

Jimmy's son, Wyatt. Hmm.... wonder if he'll follow his daddy and join the Army one day?

Jimmy and our daughter-in-law, Nhi. She is so beautiful. They can't help but to have beautiful children. :)

And here you go. The crazy, silly side of Jimmy. :)

We are very proud of Jimmy. He has accomplished a lot already in his lifetime. He is strong in his faith, a good provider for his family, loves his wife, adores his son, and serves our country. Jimmy & I have always been able to talk about anything.... I mean anything.  We love him so much, and we are so happy he is following his dream of becoming a professional motorcycle racer.  Love you, Jimmy! :) Your Mothership


  1. What a great tribute to your son. This post brought tears to my eyes. You have an amazing guys are so blessed. Happy Birthday, Jimmy!

  2. Birthday blessings to Jimmy. Janis, you and Tom are so blessed with your beautiful (handsome) family.

  3. Happy birthday, Jimmy. You have a wonderful looking family. Great project. Thanks for sharing your ideas and talents with us.

    scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for sharing such a special time in your life...there's nothing more precious than our children, then comes the love of their life now God has blest us with another child then they have their first child and more blessing from God so again I say their nothing more precious than our children and of course the sweetheart of our life that started it all.

  5. Wow.....your eldest two children are only a year apart. You must have been a very busy YOUNG mother. A woderful tribute to your son. You should be a proud mama. Happy birthday James!

  6. Such a wonderful tribute to your son...God has blessed you immensely. His son is so beautiful as is his wife. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy Birthday to James!

  7. We thank your son for his service and happy birthday.

  8. Happy Birthday Jimmy!
    I enjoy learning about your family Janis!
