
Sunday, November 20, 2011

WINNER of Sentiment Submission

Earlier this week, I asked you guys to leave a comment with the perfect sentiment for this card I made using any of K Andrew Design stamp sets....

I had 15 comments with lots of very creative sentiment ideas. You guys ROCK!
Then I used "RANDOM TOM" (aka my hubbub) to pick a number 1 through 15.  He picked #3 which is....

Congratulations, Maria! You have won K Andrew Designs "Winged Things" stamp set! 

Please email me at Janis at slowar dot com with your mailing address. I'll get your stamps out to you right away!  ENJOY!
Smiles :) Janis


  1. Congratulations, Maria! I could not thing of a better person to win this stamp set! You are such an inspiration to me....whoopee!

  2. Congratulations Maria!!! You're gonna love her stamps. I have a few sets myself. Really nice. :)

  3. WooHoo!
    how exciting! Thank you so much Janis & Tom! :)
    hugs & blessings to you both! mwahh
