
Friday, May 13, 2011

Crocheted Baby Blankets

Doesn't this pile of yarn look like yummy fun?!
We are moving next week from Texas back to South Carolina.
I've got all my Cricut and fun paper toys all packed up, 
but not my yarn and crochet hooks!
I'm currently working on 2 projects.

This first project is a crib blanket for our next grandbaby which is expected this September.  I'm using our son's favorite color, yellow, and Nhi's (pronouce "knee") favorite color, green.  I added in some black for a neutral color.

This other project is just for fun. It's going to be a sofa blanket using all these fun colors. Love these colors!

Not finished with either project yet, but you get the idea.
Both patterns came from this book I got at Joann's.

What I really like about this book, is 1) all the pages and photos are in full color and 2) all the patterns tell you the repeat math. In other words, instead of telling you row by row how to make an entire blanket the size they determined beforehand, it tells you the repeat pattern number.  So the very colorful blanket I'm making is a repeat pattern of 17.  For my beginning chain, I crochet 17 times and then another 17 and then another until I get the size of the blanket I want. Then I start the 2nd row with the pattern instructions.  Some of the patterns will say a repeat pattern of 21+5 or 11+7, etc.  I love that!

You guys have a fun weekend! Go be creative and make something!
:) Janis