
Monday, March 14, 2011

FCCB #51 - It's Hip To Be Square with Green & Gold

It's Challenge Me Monday time over at Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog.  This week Challenge #51 is to make a Square card and use colors Green & Gold (bright yellow will do).  Funness!  I looked at all the great cards their talented Design Team made to inspire the masses and LOVED Lisa's square card with her little lamb from Create A Critter.  I was inspired to follow her square card pattern.  Here's what I came up with:
Card #80
Card base is Glitter Green cardstock from DCWV Cotton Bloom Stack cut @ 10" x 5" and scored @ 5".
Green & Black solid papers from Stampin' Up
4 black squares cut @ 2 3/8" x 2 3/8"
2 yellow squares cut @ 2 1/4" x 2 1/4"
2 green squares cut @ 2 1/4" x 2 1/4"
1 black square cut @ 3 1/2"
1 green square cut @ 3 1/4"
1 yellow square cut @ 3"
Hoot N Holler Cricut cartridge used for OWL (Owl #1) cut @ 3 3/4"
Extras:  Green googlie eyes, pink button, pink jute, and pop dots for owl all from Joann's or Michael's

Hop over to Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog and play along! It' fun, fun, fun!


  1. Soooooooooooo cute and it's really neat to know that one of the DT cards inspired you! Thanks for joining us over at FCCB!

  2. This is so sweet - and wonderful that Lisa inspired you so much that you've already used her design! It really is a good one and you've done such a great take with your owl. Thanks so much for joining us this week at FCCB!

  3. Love it, Janis! I'm glad you got to play along. Thanks for joining us at FCCB!

    Saundra :)

  4. This is so cute! I love this square card and am definitely going to go and check it out at Lisa's blog! I love the green and gold colors you used and the owl is so so adorable with his green eyes. Super dupper job!

  5. Cute, cute! Thanks for playing with us at FCCB!

  6. Adorable! I love the squares in the background.

  7. This is such an awesome card Janis! Great job with the challenge!! :)

  8. Loving that pink owl Janis! So glad you liked my card, thanks for making my day. :)
    Lisa C

  9. Love your card! Thanks for playing on FCCB this week.
    God Bless

  10. Oh I just love the pink owl!! :)

  11. super cute card TFS. I like your blog also I am now a follower

  12. adorable - how did u know i had a soft spot for owls.
    Made by Jacqueline

  13. Very Cute!! Thanks for playing along with us at FCCB!
