
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CCC #54 Circle Card - No Red or Green

Here is the first card I made for the Cricut Cardz Challenge, but I wasn't really happy with it.  

This week over at Cricut Cardz Challenge, we are to make a circle card with no red or green.
I used Create A Critter to cut some circles on p. 67 cut @ 5" on Real Dial Size that I attached with a ribbon closure.  The outside was cut from from Paper Doll Dress Up on page 76 cut @ 5" on Real Dial Size.  The stamped sentiment is a clear stamp from the dollar bin at Michael's.

Here is the second card I made for the challenge:

Winter Frolic page 57 BORDER feature cut @ 4".  All the goodies on it like the glittery "HO HO HO" and the shiny snowflakes and the glittered pink stocking are all from a friend.  (THANKS!)

I strongly believe God puts people in our lives for a reason.  Recently I was told from a new friend that God put me in her life at a time when she was thinking of ending it.  Of course I had no idea what was going on in her world at that time.  But it blessed my heart so much to know I helped her through a dark time even if I didn't know I was helping.

And yesterday I had a "girlfriend chat / cry" with my BFF.  As women, don't you find it weird that sometimes we just need to cry and then suddenly we feel so much better, the world is a brighter place to be in and everything is going to be alright?  I know God put her in my life. She accepts me for me.  The good days, the complaining days, the days full of laughter, and the ho-hum days.  It feels good to know you are appreciated for exactly who you are.  The good, the bad, and everything else.

So to my BFF, let me say:  I love you not because you send me gifts, but because you think of me.  I love you not because you make me laugh, but because you share your stories with me.  I love you not because I can tell you my secrets, but because I know you respect me enough not to spread them around.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read by blog, look at my projects, and leave me such sweet comments.  You make me smile.

Hugs and Jingle Bells,

P.S.  I made my Secret Fudge yesterday (I mean, what else is a girl to do when she's down in the dumps than to surround herself with chocolate?).  Mmmmmmm  Yummy.... See the recipe HERE.  You'll think it's gross, but I promise you, people who eat it always love it and ask for the recipe.  They can't believe what the secret ingredient is.

Sneak peek on future post:


  1. Janis--super cute cards this week for our circle shaped challenge. I love the blue and white circles. Thanks for thinking outside the box and giving such great inspiration. When you look at that cut you would just automatically think red and white. Using blue and white was a great design idea.

  2. Let me just start by saying that I love you! You are truly one of the most wonderful people that I have met! I am praying hard for you and your crummy days God will see you through them as we know! I love you!

  3. Oh Gosh! I love both of them! I Believe in Miracles! And I just love the other card although I can't figure out how it works. I keep turning my head this way and that and I still don't get it. Now if I could just hold it in my hands.....I think I could then!!
    It looks like one of those peppermint round candies!! :)

  4. JANIS GURRRL This is sooo cute.

  5. I enjoyed both cards you made for the CCC challenge! TFS
    Cheers, Karen
    alteredscrapbooking dotcom
