
Thursday, December 30, 2010

100+ Book Club in 2010

My goal for 2010 was to read 100+ books.  I've never kept up with what I'm reading, so I didn't know how close I'd come to this goal.

Well...... I missed it by just a tad....  I read at least 49 books in 2010.  I lost count in May, but the ones I documented for this year come to 49.  

I must say, I think I read pretty fast.  If I were to read any faster, I would just be reading for the sake of the goal and not enjoying or remembering what I was actually reading about.  So now I know 100+ is way too many for me in one year.

I started a Facebook Group called LOVE TO READ BOOK CLUB.  It's an open group - anyone can search for it and join.  We are currently reading WITHOUT A TRACE BY COLLEEN COBLE.  Our next book is THE LOST SYMBOL BY DAN BROWN.  

Feel free to join the group - even if you don't want to read what we are currently reading.  You can talk about your fav books or authors or ask for book suggestions.  It's just for those of us who love to read and chat about it.

My goal for reading in 2011 is a little different.  I don't want to count the number as much as expand my shelves to cover a wider variety.

In 2011, I want to read a book whose title or author represents every letter of the alphabet.  That sounds pretty reasonable, obtainable, and fun to me!

I also want to read books in these categories...
  • Play
  • Poetry
  • Biography
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Suspense
  • Science Fiction
  • Today's Woman
  • Something with Pets
  • Beach
  • Inspirational
  • Best Seller
  • Book to Movie
  • Comedy
  • Exotic Location
  • Best Selling Author
And probably a few more thrown in there just for fun.  

Here is what's on my self right now:
  1. Wihtout A Trace by Colleen Coble
  2. The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
  3. One of Those Malibu Nights by Elizabeth Adler
  4. Summer House by Nancy Thayer
  5. Light On Snow by Anita Shreve
  6. The Cat Who Brought Down the House by Lilian Jackson Braun
  7. The Cat Who Talked Turkey by Lilian Jackson Braun
  8. The Cat who Dropped a Bombshell by Lilian Jackson Braun
  9. The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers by Lilian Jackson Braun
  10. Original Sin - The Seven Deadly Sins by Allison Brennan
Happy New Year!  
:) Janis