
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Happy Wednesday!  You know what happens on Wednesdays, right?  That's the day Cricut Card Challenge posts a brand new challenge for the week!  This week Challenge #48 is to make a Thanksgiving card using the card feature from any cartridge you'd like, and using any colors you'd like. Sounds pretty simple, huh?

Only problem is this was a real challenge for me because I don't have any cartridges with any Thanksgiving themed cuts AND with the Card Feature.  What's a girl to do?  Improvise!

I pulled out Paper Pups (one of my most favorite carts) and found the HAPPY cut on one of the card features.  Perfect!  Now, how to turn this into a Thanksgiving card?

Next I pulled out my DCWV The Autumn Splendor stack and let the paper do some work for me.  Not only are the papers in this stack sturdy cardstock, but the colors are vibrate FALL shades, some glitter, some foil, and some phrases too!

Here are the details:

  • Paper Pups page 106 Card Feature with shift for "HAPPY" cut @ 5 1/4"
  • All papers and phrases cut from DCWV The Autumn Splendor Stack
  • All papers edged with Colorbox brown ink
  • Inside pages cut @ 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"
  • Leaves cut out and adhered with Foam Tape for dimension

Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezy.  :)

Hope over to CCC and play along!  We want to see what you create!



  1. Gorgeous card! Good thinkin' about Paper Pups! :) This is really cool!

  2. I have the same problem....don't have many cartridges since I now make my own, but I do have 8 so I'll have to scout around. Yup...cute background....I do the same thing....thanks for a fun search through your blog and I had lost the Cricut Challenge blog so it was great to find it again on yours.

  3. You do a Great job Improvising! :o)
    Your Card turned out great for this weeks Challenge! TFS! :o)
    Theresa (DT#2)

  4. I thought I recognized that paper. I just bought the Autumn Splendor mat stack this week and used it on my card for the challenge too. :o)

    Love the way that yours turned out.

  5. Love the new blog look! Great card! Just shows that we can make a card of any theme with any cart that we have!! Awesome job!!! :)

  6. I can all ready smell thanksgiving with all these great cards. Thanks for sharing it with us all.

  7. Hey Janis!! Thanks for inviting me over to your blog:) LOVE this card and your whole blog is SUPER fun - AWESOME background!!

  8. Great thanksgiving card Janis! Love the sentiment! :) Have a great day!!
