
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Is it nap time yet?  I'm so sleepy.

I went to Columbia today to take Mama shopping at Joann's.  Neither one of us have done that in so long, I figured it was time for "girls to the craft store" shopping.

It was a quick trip.  And she ran into an old friend there who they used to double date with way back when.  

I got some new paper stacks!

I also got a few other things - adhesive, replacement blades for my trimmer, bows (already tied), fabric roses (so pretty), larger buttons (soft sherbert green and orange colors), and some googlie eyes with eyelashes!

Problem is now all I want to do is sleep.  I guess I'll have to play a little later.

Oh, and completely off topic, I'm really enjoying the book I'm reading:

There is a special needs sister in here. It reminds me of Bonnie (although this person is much more advanced than Bonnie).  I just smile when I read it.  That's not what the book is about, but I do enjoy that part of it.  The rest of the book is pretty awesome too.  I'll have to see if I can get more books by this same author when I'm done reading this one.

Have a sunshiny day!