
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yeah! I'm Back On Line!!

I'm so excited!  I'm FINALLY back on line!

We made it back last Saturday and have been super busy ever since.

There's a lot of work to do on the house.  Right now Tom (my wonderfully smart and talented hubby) is custom building me a kitchen.  How awesome is that!?!

It's going to take me a long while to catch up with everyone, so please be patient.

Love and Kisses,



  1. Soooo happy that ya'll made it all safe and sound!! I've been enjoying your creations. I also took a little trip out to Texas to visit my Sister. Went last Friday and came back this past Tuesday. Had a wonderful time. So glad you are back online!! :)

  2. welcome back Janis, sounds like a big project your hubby has, take lots of pictures....
    Carol N<><

  3. Glad you are back online!! Awesome husband to build you a custom kitchen!
