
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3" x 3" Boxed Card Set

Hello!  I made a video yesterday and almost didn't upload it to YouTube because I kept stumbling over my words and measurements.  LOL  But I decided, hey, I'm NOT a public speaker, so what do you expect?  :)

Then I got comments and emails asking to show how I made the cards, so I made another video on that today.

I've included both videos below.

Scroll down to earlier post today of one of my favorite cards I've ever made - PINK FLYING DUCKS!

:)  Janis


  1. Very cute lil' notecards, love the tag idea. I just recently got a MS scorboard, and I don't know how I lived without it :) Thanks for sharing :)


  2. This is super cute, I love those mini cards!

  3. Love the box and those little notecards!! This could be a wonderful project for me and my very crafty DGD!!! :)
