
Thursday, May 20, 2010

FLY ME TO THE MOON.... Or Alaska

Here is a card I made today for our daughter, Kati, who will be flying here to Alaska to visit us next month.  She's never flown before so we are all very excited and counting down the days.
Video below.


:)  Janis


  1. Great card! So I wonder, now that you have used some of the sheets, stickers, etc. out of your kit, when you put it away will you separate the kit or keep it together?

  2. Right now it's still all together in a drawer except for the pieces of cut paper that were left from the card - they are in my scrap drawer - which means it got deeper instead of shallower. hahaha But I'll probably put the stickers with my stickers and the other embellishments with those like them. I have lots of drawers for different things. :)

  3. Great card... very creative!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) thank you for the sweet compliment... your too kind!!! Have a wonderful Friday!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  4. What a wonderful card! Love all the layers and papers. She will just love it!!! :)

  5. Thanks, Sharon!
    Thanks, Jenny!
    She hasn't gotten it yet, but I can't wait to hear from her when she does. :)
