
Monday, March 8, 2010

Soldier Care Package

If anyone wants to send our soldier, James, a care package, I asked him over the weekend what he would like and here is what he said:

  • Nutter Butters
  • Bike magazines ( Cycle World and other sports motorcycle ones)
  • Sour gummie worms
  • Powder for water or drinks is good, but he has lots of lemonade, so something else
If you or a group you are involved in would like to send him a package overseas, the post office has Priority Boxes for the Military that are a set price no matter how much you stuff in the box.  I'm going to spell out my email to avoid spammers.  Just send me an email and I'll give you his address.  My email is northrose at slowar dot com.

Thanks!  I know there are lots of businesses, churches, boyscout and girlscout groups out there who would love the opportunity to support our troops.  I hope someone will choose to send to our soldier. :)
