
Friday, March 26, 2010

New Makeup

Second post today - scroll down to read "Dear So and So" Letter.

I received my new makeup yesterday from HSN!  I love Signature Club A makeup!  I used to wear this years ago and when life took over, I just started buying cheap-o stuff to get by with from the grocery store.  I was thrilled to order what I really love again from Signature Club A.

This time, I did get something a little different.  In the past I used baked, dry makeup.  But since my wrinkles and puffiness around my eyes are so intense at this time in my YOUNG life, I decided to go with "stick" makeup that has Vitamin C in it.

I know none of this is really earth shattering or that you will sleep better tonight knowing all of this, but I do get excited about the littlest things.  Always have.  And I love getting boxes and envelopes in the mail.  I ordered it on Sunday and got it yesterday.  That was fast.  I love the way it feels.

Just wanted to share. :)