
Monday, January 11, 2010

Snail Card

Hey, guys!  I'm not going to do the Mini Book Series today.  I'm feeling a little under the weather, so hopefully I'll do it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I did want to get a card made today for a friend who is having surgery this week.

It's a very simple card as usual.  I used a bright green card base from a Value Pack of cards I bought a few weeks ago.  They are already cut to the right size and scored, so all I have to do is decorate and fold them in half.

I used a patterned piece of paper from My Mind's Eye, Everyday Tango to add a bit of interest to the background.  All around the card is sponged with brown ink. 

The snail was cut from textured brown cardstock using Cricut Cartridge Walk In My Garden.  The pink shell was cut with another piece of paper from My Mind's Eye, Everyday Tango.  Two green buttons were adhered to his antennas using Zots.  Zots were also used to adhere the little pink jewel for his eye. Pop Dots were used to adhere the snail to the card to give him some dimension. 

"Thinking of You" was cut with Cricut Cartridge Walk In My Garden with brown for the shadow and a pink/purple-ish shade for the words. 

I used some scrap brown ribbon that my Mama gave me a while back.  I wrapped the ribbon around the card and taped the loose ends on the inside.  Then I used a separate piece of brown ribbon to tie the bow.  Since it's a separate piece, I can slide the bow back and forth to get it to just the right place I want it.  To cover up the taped ends of the ribbon on the inside of the card, I just adhered a patterened piece of paper matching his shell.

This was a very simple card as most of my cards are, but I am very pleased with the outcome.  I think I may use this layout design again.

Stay warm everyone!  It's been 1 degree here today.  Brrr....  it hurts to breath outside when it's that cold - well for me anyway.  :)

Hugs!  Janis


  1. I love the card Janis, it turned out darling and doesn't look simple to me at all.
    I hope you are getting the gunk I had, I felt like smashed poo!
    Take Care!

  2. How cute Janis! You did a great job, as always! Hope you're feeling better today!

  3. Thanks, guys! I just love all your comments! I am feeling a bit better today. Lots of orange juice, vitamin C and multi vitamins later. My nose burns and feels hot on the inside when I breathe, but my sore throat is gone. Now if I could just get rid of the hot flashes... of course, that may be completely unrelated to the yuckiness. LOL

  4. gorgeous!! Your snail is just so funky!!! fab! Hugs Juls
