
Monday, January 18, 2010

Craft Books & Weekend Fun

Hello all my bloggy friends!  Did you guys have a fun weekend?  We did!  No, I didn't get my hair cut yet.... I'm making an appointment for Saturday, so I'll post pictures after to see how much I end up getting cut off.

Thank you for the responses on the free crochet books.  I was able to send out quite a few.  There are still some left if anyone else is interested.... just scroll down to a previous post and let me know which books you want and also giving me your email so I can contact you for your address.

I have a few more books if anyone would like them.  Here are pics of them:

We had funs days Saturday and Sunday.  We went to a giant furniture store and daydreamed... 

And we had lunch at Red Robin which none of us had ever been to.  Bonnie had a cheeseburger, Tom had a 5 Alarm burger but said it was only about 1/2 an alarm (he loves hot / spicy food), and I had a Teriyaki burger with pineapple slices and cheese.  Oh my gosh it was delicious!!

AND... Tom took us to a fun gift shop with a 20-foot high chocolate fountain.  Yes,  you heard me right, 20 feet high!  I had to take 2 pictures to get it all and they are a little blurry, but here you go:

This is the outside of that store and then some more fun pics from inside:

Then we rode out to the Eagle River side of Anchorage.  We explored up the mountain, caught some beautiful scenery, and enjoyed watching some people ski down the mountain.  That big, tall, white mountain picture below.... that's the ski mountain.  And yes, those little black dots on the side of the mountain are people skiing even though they just look like specs.  That mountain was HUGE!

Have a fun day!  I hope to get some crafting done at some point today, but I'm being a good girl and getting the wash and cleaning done first. :)  Toodles!  Janis