
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Joy Card

I love the "From My Kitchen" Cricut cartridge!  And I think the telephone cut is my favorite!

Yesterday I made this card.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but the card base is on dark purple cardstock.  I placed a DCWV textured paper on next.  The dots and swirlies were added freehand using an ultra fine permanent Sharpie. The "JOY" sticker was from stash.

I thought this would be a cute card to send to our kids.  I love getting phone calls from them - it gives me so much JOY!

The message on the inside?

"Call your mother... you know she worries."     LOL  Or maybe just my phone number written really large.  LOL You know, in case they've forgotten it.  :)

Have a fun day!!  Janis