
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prayers Still Needed For Mama

My sister, Melody, called me first thing this morning.  She said Daddy had stayed in Mama's hospital room last night and it was a rough night for Mama.  She hasn't really spoken to anyone since surgery yesterday, but is able to follow directions and follow people with her eyes.

I don't want to go into too much gory detail, but the bottom line is, Mama is really struggling.  She was hallucinating last night and this morning.  Her pain level is high.  Her heart rate is too low, but her blood pressure is fine.  Don't ask me to explain all of this because I'm not a nurse and don't really understand it either.  You nurses out there will know better than I do how to interpret it all.

Daddy wanted to know when I could get up there today.  My brother, Eddie, and Melody both have to go back to work today.  Daddy needs a break - I don't blame him.  I'm sure he's exhausted from physically no sleep as well as emotionally.

I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning and then will be at the hospital the rest of the day.  Please continue to pray for Mama.  She's still losing a lot of blood, but they say it's within normal limits.

Melody said she doesn't look anything like herself.  She said Mama is all puffy from all the fluids they've given her and she's not voiding enough.  What in the world do you do about that?

Please pray for her.  She's struggling.  After such an extensive surgery, I should have expected a rough road, but honestly, I just thought after surgery she would feel so much better and we'd be able to talk about it.  I'm a little emotional right now, but that's okay.  I'll pull it together before I get up to her room.  At least she's not in intensive care.

Melody said Mama has some cards on her table waiting for her to open when she becomes alert and feels like it.  If any of them are from you, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!  Please continue to send her cards.  Mama loves to open cards, read them, hold and touch them, and show them off to everyone.  Who doesn't love to be loved?

Here is her address if you'd like to send a card.  Feel free to re-post this and share it on your blog or at your Women's Group or church.  All the prayer chains she can be on will only help!!

Lexington Medical Center
Patient:  Judy Ellisor
Room:  579
2720 Sunset Blvd
West Columbia, SC  29169

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and letting me continue to post a non-craft related item.

Lots of hugs from me to you,