
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mini Ablum About YOU! - Episode 2

Can I just say that making videos is..... SO MUCH FUN! I mean, OH MY GOSH! I love it!!

Today I am sharing with you something I started in January of this year. This is not my original idea, it came from another creative person's blog. But I have adapted it to fit my personality and wanted to share with you.

So often we scrapbook and journal about those we love whom we are surrounded by. And so often our picture is seldom seen or journaling is seldom written about who we are, what we like & dislike, what we hope for our future. Don't you know as much as you love seeing pictures of those you love and reading about their exciting achievements and adventures, those who love YOU want to do the same.

This project is centered around YOU! And it's so easy and fun to do. Please watch the video below for all the details... probably more than you really need to know. :)

Your first question for this project, should you choose to participate (And I Hope You Do!) is:

I'll try to include questions in ongoing posts to keep you brainstorming for Your YOU MINI ALBUM.

PLEASE leave a link to your creation if you choose to participate. We all want to see how you made your creation and get ideas from you!



  1. I am a big fan of whinnie the pooh!! so I think this is just absolutly gorgeous!! love it a lot!!

  2. Thanks, Juls! Please participate and leave another comment with a link to your page for the You Mini Album!

  3. Janis,
    Awesome idea! Awesome mini album! Awesome video! Best of all, your awesome little Bonnie saying hello to me! What a precious little girl, and what a joy and a blessing she must be to you! Wish I could give her a big, ole' hug and kiss. Will you give her one for me and tell her Mary says hi?

  4. Mary, your encouraging comments make my day! I told BonBon you said hey, but I'm not sure she understood. I hope you will participate in this mini album craft. I'd love to see what you come up with! Hugs, Janis

  5. I'll be looking for your questions to keep me going on my album. You're right, we scrap everybody else and not ourselves! It'll probably be the weekend before I can start with the first question. I've been covered up at work this week. I can barely get my challenge cards done and keep up with my blogs.
    Your video with Bonnie made MY day!
    Love 'ya,
