
Friday, August 28, 2009

Pumpkin Card

How about a pumpkin card for today? It's a little plain. It needs something else, but I don't know what yet. I'll figure it out later, or I may just leave it like it is.

I love making pumpkin cards! They are so easy!!

I used to use an oval punch for the pumpkin, but now I use the Cricut cartridge Plantin Schoolbook to make the ovals. Much, much faster! I pieced 3 ovals together to make the pumpkin; added a stem using Cricut cartridge Walk In My Garden grass stems and voila!

The swirly design (grass stems in pumpkin patch) was made with Cricut cartridge Home Accents.

I used a Sharpie pen to "stitch" around everything. Sponged the edges with Close to Cocoa Stampin' Up ink pad.

The card is Stampin' Up cardstock and the mat is from DCWV Old World Mat Stack.

Have I mentioned yet that I love Fall, October, and Pumpkin cards? :)

Hugs! It's a GREAT day today!! Do something FUN!!



  1. Hi Janice

    I't a pretty strinking card as it is, the pumpkin really holds the eye, enything more might distract (IMO).

    B x

  2. Janis, what a fantastic card! It's great just like it is...that wonderful pumpkin being the focal point! I wouldn't add a thing. You did a great job! I'm with you, I love Fall and everything about it!
    BTW, I LOVE your look with the owls, SO cute!

  3. Leave it as it is hun - the pumpkin really makes a statement - fab design hun :)
    Hugs xxx

  4. Janis this card is so super cute! I don't think it needs ANYTHING else! The pumpkin is adorable!

  5. Janis, I just love how you made that pumpkin! What a great idea!

  6. Thank-you so much for your comments on my blog! I am so glad you came to visit as I got to come and see your beautiful blog. I love your pumpkin card too! What a creative way to make your pumpkins! Love it! Love this blog look!

  7. I'm sooooo excited for pumpkin season! I've already started stalking Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Yum!
    This is really cute, Janis! I love the PP you used!

    The new blog looks is such a hoot! LOL! It's super cute - me likey. :)
