
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today has been quiet and lazy. I spent a lot of time on the porch doing a Bible Study by Beth Moore... Esther, and I have fought sleep all day. I don't know why I'm so tired all the time lately.

I just threw this card together. Simple and fun.

The image was actually a google search for free coloring book images or color pages. I colored it with my Crayola markers and Crayola crayons.

The card base is DCWV textured cards, baby blue.

The papers are from DCWV The Stack 6 and My Mind's Eye Everyday Tango.

Ribbon from stash.

I guess I need to get my fanny in gear and get in the kitchen. Our son is due in about an hour or so from California. He's coming home for a visit now since he is leaving for Iraq for a 12 month duty (Army) in a couple of weeks. { Prayers are appreciated. :) } He is expecting spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. OH! And he said, "Please not wheat noodles. Get the Angel Hair noodles instead." So, what's a mom to do? Angel Hair noodles it is.



  1. Great card Janis! Love that little mouse and you did a wonderful job of coloring him! Have an awesome visit with your son and please thank him for me, for his service to our country. Spaghetti and meatballs...Yum!

  2. Janis, love that card! sooo cute! crayons! you rock!
