
Monday, August 10, 2009

Back from Camping in the Mountains!

Hi guys! I've finally gotten caught up on all your blogs since I was away. We went camping in the mountains again and had such a good time. I mean, look at that waterfall! Gorgeous!

Here we are... me and hubby, Tom. He's crazy.

These beautiful flowers were growing up through the rocks at Bridal Veil Waterfalls. It was a 2 mile hike to the falls (and don't forget the 2 miles back!) Why did both ways seem like uphill? I'm so proud of me and Bonnie though that we actually hiked 4 miles and didn't poop out. Have I mentioned yet that my legs are still sore? :)

And we mustn't forget the snake. Why is it everytime we camp, there is a snake involved? And guess what lovely kind this is? None other than a copperhead. Oh joy.

Bonnie had so much fun at the falls and on the 4 mile hike. I'm really proud of her!

We had an educational weekend too. We counted this trip as a school field trip. We actually observed bats overhead in the evening at our campsite. That was way cool. Lightning bugs. Interesting looking mushrooms. Oh, and don't forget the snake! We also visited Ceasar's Head info center and looked at a huge map of the area that was 3-D. Plus they were kind enough to glass encased all types of roaches and bugs common to the area.... nasty.... but Bonnie liked it.

I'ved ordered tons of pictures from Shutterfly this morning so I should be posting some scrapbook layouts with those maybe sometime next week or as soon as the pics come in. I can't wait! I love scrapbooking and have run out of pics to use!

In other news....

I'm working on my mini album care of Cardz TV. I'll be posting pics of that soon. I adore mini albums!

Have a great day!!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures and Bonnie looks just like you... Oh and Bats are not something to be admire... they scare the jibbies out of me..yikes just thinking about them send chills throughtout my body!!

  2. Welcome back! Looks like you had a great trip! I am sending out your items today! I will let you know when I get mine! YAY! Talk to you soon!

  3. Wow Janis, your time away looks amazing.

    Not sure I could do it though. Yes, I would like to look at that beautiful waterfall and spend special time with my family but the chance of stepping on a snake .. .. .. not for me!!

    I would never sleep thinking I might meet one. LOL!!

    I wouldn't mind the bats though - I could watch them for ages. Busy little things that they look.

    Welcome back.

    Love Jules xx

  4. Sounds like a wonderful trip! I could sit beside that waterfall all day long! I see in your bio, you all are porch sitters! Us too. We love sitting on the front porch relaxing. My hubby says "watchin the grass grow." LOL
