
Monday, July 6, 2009

Warm Wishes

Here is my Christmas Card for Stamptacular Sunday Challenge #14: "Christmas in July".

I used my Cricut Cartridge Walk in my Garden for the shapes (they came from the shadow feature of some of the flowers). The stamps were from a small clear stamp collection I bought at Walmart after Christmas last year for about a dollar. I bought about 6 different packs of them and I can't wait to use them all! The paper is also from Walmart, All Occasions. I used Stampin' Up ink Not So Navy for the sentiment and image. Ribbon is from stash.

Hopefully I'll get more crafts done today. Once again, thank you all your lovely comment love! They make my day!!


  1. åhhhh it is beautiful love the colours:)

  2. Hi Janis,

    I just love using the color blue for Christmas cards! GREAT shapes and the papers you used are perfect for this card!

    Thanks for playing along this week at Stmptacular!


  3. My father would love this card, he is a penguin-o-holic! the colors you've chosen and the diecuts...very nice!

    I'm so glad you could join us this week at the Stamptacular Sunday Challenge!



  4. Absolutely adorable Janis! Would it be okay if I posted this one on Wednesday along with your other Christmas card? If you don't want me to, I won't, but they're both so good, I want to show everyone what a great job you did! Just let me know, okay?

  5. This is lovely Janis, great colours.. those little stamps are super, and the shapes make it really striking.
    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  6. Mary, of course you can post it. What an honor!

    It looks so plain compared to all the great card art out there, but I was hoping someone might like it.

    Love all the comments from everyone! Thanks!

  7. THis is really super cute. I love the addition of that beautiful white ribbon. Thanks for playing in our challenge at SSC

  8. Great christmas card, I love the shapes you have used behind your image. Thanks for joining us at SSC.

    Liza x

  9. sweet card love the iage and the sentiment is perfect. thank you for taking part at ssc

  10. So cute! I got that same stamp set at Walmart last year, but haven't had a chance to use it yet! Now you've inspired me to dig it out and get working! Great job! Love the colors and layout!
    Thanks so much for joining us this week at SSC!

  11. What a cutie :D

    Thanks for joining us!

    Janneke X

  12. Lovely card Janice love the mounted shapes and big bow.

    Thanks for joining us this week over on SSC.

    Joanne x

  13. At any rate, I liked some of the vadlo mouse cartoons!
