
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote Card

Today at 365 Cards we were asked to include a quote on our card.

I've always liked the quote my brother, Eddie, said to me one day. We were raised around family farm land. Most of our family still lives there. So we've shucked a lot of corn, shelled a lot of beans and peas, etc.

I asked Eddie one day how life was going for him. His answer was, "You just keep plowing your rows as straight as you can, and hope that the corn grows."

How awesome is that?!

So when 365 Cards asked us to include a quote on our card today, immediately Eddie's quote came to mind.

I used PrintMaster to combine the DJ Inkers image with the quote box.

The card is from DCWV textured cards.

The paper is from DCWV The Stack 6.

I colored the image with Crayola markers.

I hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday!


  1. Fab story and lovely card.

  2. Fabulous...what a nice tribute to your brother and his quote!

  3. Great quote and great card Janis.
    Michelle M

  4. Love the card Janis and you have a very insightful brother! Bet it was fun growing up with him.

  5. How lovely, card and quote. Sounds like a great brother.

  6. What a wonderful sentiment. You should frame this and give it to your brother as a gift.

  7. Great piece of wisdom... and a lovely card. Thanks for sharing it - and that story, too. :)

  8. What a great Quote, what more can we ask for?
    Love it!


  9. What a great quote and he sounds like a very wise brother.

    Love the paper with the colours on the stamped image, you have a great eye for colour.

  10. My grandparents were farmer's and they grew a whole lot of corn!! this quote rings so true!!!! TFS, your card, quote and story!!
