
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Paperbag Greetings

I was pulling out a blank card and envelope from my overstuffed shelf, when a paper bag fluttered to the floor. Come on, guys, inspirating is fluttering my way... was I just supposed to ignore it?

I decided to make a greeting card from a paperbag. Why not? I have a whole pack of them... might as well use 'em up in some fun, creative way... right?

So I stuck the paper bag into a card envelope to see how much would stick out of the top, and cut that part off. (If you haven't noticed by now, I hate measuring things. I must have missed that day in school, because whenever I use a ruler, it never quite turns out exactly right.)

Then I sponged the entire part I was going to use with Stampin' Up Rose Red. Got some pink paper from My Mind's Eye Everyday Tango paper pack, and some fun "chic" stickers from my 3-ring binder where I store all my stickers in negative sleeves and page protectors.

I covered the front and back of the bag with the pink paper leaving just a smidgen of the bag edge showing. I used rough cuts and not too evenly spaced placement.

I cut one more piece of pink paper and added a ribbon pull tab to the top and stuck it inside the bag.

I plan on sending this card to my friend whom I've known since I was 12 years old. I'm going to remind her of all those sleepovers we had when sleep wasn't really the priority, but gossip and daydreaming was. I hope she likes it.

I added this sticker to the back of the "card". It says, "When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us? - Pam Brown. It doesn't really match the whimsical theme of the front, but it speaks volumes to our friendship.

Why don't you make a paperbag greeting? I'd love to see your ideas! Please leave a comment with a link so we can all go check it out!

Hugs, smiles, and prayers for you,


  1. what fun! I love this perfect for any little girls sleepover!

  2. How ungenious Janis, very clever and works really well.

    B x

  3. How creative is that!!! Isn't it funny how some things just come to us?

  4. So cute and clever Janis! And how did you find the time with your busy day?! You amaze me girl!
