
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Altered Card Tin

At Christmas time, our extended family usually plays a swap game. We each buy a gift for very little money (usually only spend $1 - $3) and place them all under the tree. Everybody picks a number and then one by one each person grabs a gift to unwrap under the tree going in order of lowest numbers to largest.

It's a fun game. When it's your turn, you can either choose a gift under the tree to unwrap or "steal" someone else's gift. If your gift is stolen, you in turn can choose to unwrap another gift under the tree or steal someone else's. It's a big hoot to see which gifts get passed around the most. And the whole fun in the game is really not the inexpensive gift at all, but the family fun of the game.

Our daughter, Bonnie, received this Card Tin one year. She loves toting it around with her batteries in it or cars etc. (Yes, she has this thing about batteries. Whenever we go somewhere she must have some. And she never throws away the old ones. She has quite a collection. It's just one of her many personality traits.)

Over at Charisma Cardz, they are asking us to alter an item this time - anything but a card. So, I grabbed this plain white tin and decided to add some color to it. I put some flower fairies my Mama made (have I mentioned today that I love fairies?) on the top of it and added some colorful paper from My Mind's Eye - Everyday Tango, and some pink, fluffly crocheting yarn.

What have you altered lately? Leave a comment with your link and don't forget to visit Charisma Cardz and see what the designer's came up with.


  1. Ooh this is really beautiful!
    Thank you for joining us at Charisma - good luck!

  2. this turned out beautiful! Thank you for my package it arrived yesterday and is beautiful! I have a blog award for you stop by and grab it!

  3. Oh this is fabulous Janis, the colours and flower details are gorgeous.
    Your xmas swap sounds like great fun...TFS. Debbie x

  4. Hiya Janis!
    This is beautiful what a fab idea! and what a fun game! may try that myself this christmas, thanks for playing with charisma, im gonna add me as a follower love your blog so nice to come across you!
    hugs carly xxx

  5. Oh this is so lovely, thanks for joining us at Charisma this week

    Jan x

  6. Really Beautiful hunni.


  7. What a fun game to play. Love your altered tin and the fairies too.Thanks for joining us at Charisma this week.
    xx Vee

  8. What a fabulous idea. We played a game similar to that this past Christmas at my hubby's family Christmas. We had a blast. Thanks for joining us this week at Charisma.

  9. Great job! Thanks for joining us this week at Charisma!
