
Friday, June 12, 2009

Doggie Umbrella Card

This card is so cute!

Check out this YouTube video to see how to make the cutest doggie and umbrella friendship card. Perfect for those days it's "raining cats and dogs". :)

Click here for the link to YouTub.

Click here for the link to her blog.

She used Cricut Cartridge Paper Pups. I don't have that one.... There are so many cartridges I want to get! I wish the prices would come down already. My coupons always say "not valid on Cricut products."

Have a Fun Friday!!


  1. Thanks for joining me for the blogoversary giveaway! I can't wait for the New Moon release too!!! Are you having a ladies night out too?????

  2. Bless your heart Janis, thank you again for the shout out! You are so kind! I know what you mean about the cartridges. There is one I'm dying to get...Storybook! I ordered a lot of my cartridges from Walmart because they're a little cheaper in price, but they're still $60 at Walmart. I've been looking at IndieArt. Do you like it, Janis? I teach cardmaking classes occasionally at the library, and I got my check today. Walmart has IndieArt and Home Accents for $30, so I was thinking about getting one of them. Can't decide though.

  3. I'm not exaggerating when I say I just love that doggie card! I don't know what else is on Paper Pups, but that one card makes me want that cartridge!

    That's so neat that you teach classes at the library. I'm sure that's so much fun!

    Home Accents and Indie Art both came with my Expression as well as 2 other cartridges. I have probably used Home Accents the least, but only because I see myself using that more in my scrapbooking than card making. I need to get some photos developed so I can really do some serious scrapbooking!

    Home Accents is more of a decoration, borders, frames, embellishments type cartridge.

    Indie Art is more icons and objects. It reminds me of tattoo art.

    Both cartridges offer Shadow and Blackout.

    I wish there was a Cartridge Library where you could just check them out for a couple of weeks like you do books.

  4. Wow! Wouldn't that be great! If we lived closer we could share cartridges too! I've had my "little" Cricut about 2 years. It came with the George cartridge, which I hardly ever use. I've collected 9 cartridges over the 2 years. I'd love to have an Expression, but can't justify getting it when the one I have, works so well. I'm sure I'd use the expression more for scrapbooking, which I have neglected badly lately! Well, I'm on my way to Walmart to pick up some adhesive and maybe Indie Art!

  5. thanks for stopping by my blog today. I enjoyed poking around yours! I have paper pups and would be willing to make some cuts for you. Just let me know what you would like.

  6. Why didn't I think of that! That would be a great way to "share" cartridges. Cool idea!

  7. What a great idea Kisa, such a nice offer.

    You can get the cartridges much cheaper on ebay, usually about 30 bucks!

  8. Here it is for 29.99

  9. I just won it on ebay for 28.00 bucks!! yeah!!!

  10. Hey, Lizzy... You go, girl!

    Hey, Kisatrtle... You are so sweet! I actually would love a pup like Mary used and the umbrella too. I'd love to make that card she made. Would you like me to trade you with some DJ Inkers art you can color? My email is

    Hey, Mary... Did you get your new cartridge? What did you make with it?
